Escribimos algunas frases en inglés que se utilizan en esta festividad.
Trabajarlas en clase te ayudarán a ampliar tu conocimiento y vocabulario del inglés.
También pueden ser usadas para ser enviadas como mensajes a tus amigos y amigas, en postales y pósters, en pequeños relatos de miedo,....
- "Trick or Treat"
- "Night has just come and all spirits will come from afterlife to dance with us"
- "The sun has just set and I can see souls hanging around my window. I saw them laughing because they will be with us today."
- “A witch will come to my room tonight. She and I will play with the souls of everybody, souls of people like you”
- ”Today when I went into class, the door told me: you will die of laughter”
- "The pumpkin and I will discuss how to make people scream with terror on the streets.”
- "If you walk under the moonlight this Halloween, you will certainly see the silhouette of a witch on her broom laughing"
well done, teacher!